Mo nga redrosethorns

I timata te redrosethorns hei toa ipurangi e hoko ana i nga rama kua ringihia e te ringa, i timata i te tau 2020. Ko ta matou whainga ko te mutunga ka hangaia he waahi e taea ai e matou te whakamana i etahi atu ma te matauranga mo nga take penei i te hauora hinengaro, nga mahi tiaki whaiaro, me te ira tangata/ira tangata. E whakapono ana matou ki te tauritenga me te mohio kei reira nga uauatanga o te hapori e pupuri ana i a tatou ki muri me te pupuri i te wehewehenga me te rangatira o te punaha patereareha. E whakapono ana matou ko tetahi huarahi ki te anga whakamua me te wawahi i enei mekameka, ma te matauranga, ma te mohio, ma te whakaora whaiaro me te hapori.
Ma te whakaaro ki tenei kaupapa, ka tuku ratonga whakangungu a redrosethorns, ma te whakamahi i nga tikanga whakamaarama whanonga hinengaro (CBT) hei whakaako i nga tangata takitahi me pehea te hono atu ki a ratau ake, ka tukuna e matou he awheawhe mo nga mahi tiaki whaiaro hei hanga i to raatau utu. Ka tukuna ano e matou nga huarahi whakaputa - na roto i ta maatau moheni a-tau me te hautaka ipurangi - hei akiaki i nga tangata takitahi ki te korero me te whakaputa i o raatau reo. Ko a tatou korero te mea e hono ana i a tatou, engari ano hoki te mea e whakakaha ana i a tatou ki te neke ki te huarahi e pai ake ana ki a tatou ko wai tatou, o tatou uara, me o tatou hiahia. Ma tenei ka timata tatou ki te wetewete i te patriarchy, kotahi te tangata whai mana, me nga hapori whai mana i te wa kotahi.

In March 2023, our visionary founder, Kirsty Anne Richards, was spotlighted in WOMLEAD Magazine. She shared the inspiring story of the genesis of redrosethorns and discussed her unique approach to using writing as a therapeutic tool for cultivating positive mental health.
Click on the image to read the article.
Goodenough College and the Worshipful Company of World Traders host International Women's Day 2023

In honour of International Women's Day 2023, Kirsty Anne Richards was invited by the Worshipful Company of World Traders to discuss the topic 'Women Who Change the World.' Throughout history, women have made significant strides in this endeavour, yet there remains much ground to cover. Kirsty Anne explored the nexus between bolstering one's mental well-being and fostering inclusivity across all genders as pivotal components in the march toward societal progress.
She spoke about her personal struggles with imposter syndrome, strongly influenced by society's pervasive gender double standards, and shared her triumph over these internal challenges, ultimately achieving success. Furthermore, Kirsty Anne shed light on the misconception that feminism is often framed as solely a women's issue when, in reality, patriarchal norms adversely affect all genders.