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Ngeunaan redrosethorns

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redrosethorns dimimitian salaku toko online ngajual lilin dituang leungeun, dimimitian dina 2020. Tujuan kami nya éta ahirna nyieun hiji spasi dimana urang bisa empower batur ngaliwatan atikan ngeunaan isu kayaning kaséhatan méntal, prakték perawatan diri, sarta gender / seksualitas. Kami yakin kana sarua jeung ngarti yén aya complexities societal nu nahan urang balik sarta ngajaga urang dibagi tur didominasi ku sistem patriarchal. Kami yakin yén salah sahiji cara pikeun maju sareng megatkeun ranté ieu, nyaéta ngaliwatan pendidikan, kasadaran, penyembuhan diri, sareng komunitas.

Kalayan misi ieu dina pikiran, redrosethorns nawarkeun jasa asah, ngagunakeun téhnik terapi behavioral kognitif (CBT) pikeun ngajarkeun individu kumaha nyambungkeun diri inti maranéhanana, sarta kami nawiskeun bengkel ngeunaan prakték-perawatan diri pikeun ngawangun harga diri maranéhanana. Kami ogé nawiskeun kasempetan penerbitan - ngalangkungan majalah taunan sareng jurnal online - pikeun ngadorong individu nyarios sareng nganyatakeun sorana. Carita urang mangrupikeun anu ngahubungkeun urang, tapi ogé anu nguatkeun urang pikeun ngalih ka arah anu langkung saluyu sareng saha urang, nilai urang, sareng karep urang. Ngaliwatan ieu urang tiasa ngawitan ngabongkar patriarki, hiji jalma anu diberdayakeun, sareng komunitas anu diberdayakeun dina hiji waktos.


In March 2023, our visionary founder, Kirsty Anne Richards, was spotlighted in WOMLEAD Magazine. She shared the inspiring story of the genesis of redrosethorns and discussed her unique approach to using writing as a therapeutic tool for cultivating positive mental health.

Click on the image to read the article.

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Goodenough College and the Worshipful Company of World Traders host International Women's Day 2023

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In honour of International Women's Day 2023, Kirsty Anne Richards was invited by the Worshipful Company of World Traders to discuss the topic 'Women Who Change the World.' Throughout history, women have made significant strides in this endeavour, yet there remains much ground to cover. Kirsty Anne explored the nexus between bolstering one's mental well-being and fostering inclusivity across all genders as pivotal components in the march toward societal progress.

She spoke about her personal struggles with imposter syndrome, strongly influenced by society's pervasive gender double standards, and shared her triumph over these internal challenges, ultimately achieving success. Furthermore, Kirsty Anne shed light on the misconception that feminism is often framed as solely a women's issue when, in reality, patriarchal norms adversely affect all genders.

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