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从 2020 年开始,redrosethorns 最初是一家销售手工蜡烛的在线商店。我们的目标是最终创造一个空间,让我们可以通过对心理健康、自我保健和性别/性行为等问题的教育来赋予他人权力。我们相信平等,并理解社会的复杂性阻碍了我们的发展,使我们分裂并受父权制支配。我们认为,向前推进并打破这些链条的一种方法是通过教育、意识、自我修复和社区。

牢记这一使命,redrosethorns 提供辅导服务,使用认知行为疗法 (CBT) 技术教个人如何与核心自我建立联系,我们还提供自我保健实践研讨会,以建立他们的自我价值。我们还通过我们的年度杂志和在线期刊提供出版机会,以鼓励个人畅所欲言并表达自己的声音。我们的故事将我们联系在一起,也使我们能够朝着更符合我们是谁、我们的价值观和我们的激情的方向前进。正是通过这一点,我们可以开始一次废除父权制、一个被赋予权力的人和一个被赋予权力的社区。


In March 2023, our visionary founder, Kirsty Anne Richards, was spotlighted in WOMLEAD Magazine. She shared the inspiring story of the genesis of redrosethorns and discussed her unique approach to using writing as a therapeutic tool for cultivating positive mental health.

Click on the image to read the article.

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Goodenough College and the Worshipful Company of World Traders host International Women's Day 2023

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In honour of International Women's Day 2023, Kirsty Anne Richards was invited by the Worshipful Company of World Traders to discuss the topic 'Women Who Change the World.' Throughout history, women have made significant strides in this endeavour, yet there remains much ground to cover. Kirsty Anne explored the nexus between bolstering one's mental well-being and fostering inclusivity across all genders as pivotal components in the march toward societal progress.

She spoke about her personal struggles with imposter syndrome, strongly influenced by society's pervasive gender double standards, and shared her triumph over these internal challenges, ultimately achieving success. Furthermore, Kirsty Anne shed light on the misconception that feminism is often framed as solely a women's issue when, in reality, patriarchal norms adversely affect all genders.

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