by Taylor Stone

In 2016, I am 17
My boyfriend is 17.
On a random January night,
And we have driven out to the edges of town,
and turned the lights off
We are surrounded by snow
But on the inside of his 2000 Subaru Impreza
It is a Mississippi evening at the beginning of May,
the only thing missing are the fireflies.
But we are making do.
It is 2016
And the world has done what it does to 17-year-olds
All anxiety in this lankiness
Am I too much body for all this backseat?
What if he doesn’t think I’m pretty?
But when he looks over, I see Aphrodite reflected in the green of his eyes
And realize it’s me, that I am the creature of the divine that he sees
This car, which cannot go over 60 miles an hour, becomes a metal sanctuary to the gods.
I mean it becomes a chapel to us, the deities who are still in high school.
The god we are with the acne scars included.
Tonight, just one night, I am not the pair of skinny jeans that do not fit me or the bra left half empty.
I am not counting calories, I am ascending
My worry and anxiety melt away like the frost on the glass of the windows of our temple
We are the steamy car creators,
and in the nail scratches down each other’s backs, we write our scriptures
My hips are the alter of every teenage hormone we have ever known
so in love with each other, we forget to breathe
The oxygen in our lungs is a communion
The awkward chuckles are prayers to ourselves
In our new religion
There is no war
There is only the feeling of hands holding each other
When I look at him, I do not feel the shame of my cellulite
I know that my body is made from sacred things
And wherever my feet touch
Is now holy ground
I look at him
A teenage god
We’re made of love
When the sun breaks tomorrow
It will not know of the pious promises we made here tonight
But now
Years later, when he and I have become separated by new versions of ourselves
I will wake up in the middle of the night
Fraught with insecurities that have come creeping back
But I’ll think fondly of the nights
Where I became a god

Stone (they/them) is a poet based out of Denver, Colorado. They can be found on social media as @persephone_stone, but they can also be found wherever there are disco balls and mocktails. They explore themes of sobriety, queerness, and love in all forms. As well as a poet, they are a photographer, comedian, and cat parent.