by Carolyn Martin
Have your new meds kicked in yet?
When the last ones bombed
and those voices demanding suicide

shoved you to the brink,
I was bereft of strategies.
That you could promise me
one more week of life satisfied,
but the days are running out.
I know you don’t believe those bullies
in your head aren’t you, but consider
pharma’s side effects. They horrify.
Please reply to this email in sentences
or, at least, a phrase or two.
Sad-faced emojis don’t contain the you of you.
Have the new pills offered slivers of silences?
Have you seen the sunlight on your daffodils,
the buds on your star magnolia tree?
Can you promise me your life for another week?
Talking rationally about the irrational
is ludicrous, my dear,
so my final words-of-the-day:
I’m here. I’m still here.

Blissfully retired in Clackamas, Oregon, Carolyn Martin is a lover of gardening and snorkeling, feral cats and backyard birds, writing and photography. Her poems have appeared in more than 200 journals throughout North America, Australia, and the UK. Find out more at