We hold a profound belief that feminism transcends mere equality; it is a powerful force for empowerment.
Our mission is to create a supportive space that empowers individuals to connect with their authentic selves, find their voices, and collectively work towards dismantling the patriarchy. We are dedicated to constructing a more equitable society that celebrates diversity and inclusion. Our approach consists of two key elements: delivering coaching services and workshops to nurture self-worth and providing a platform for individuals to express their unique voices confidently.
Dobrodošli u redrosethorns!
časopis redrosethorns
Naš prvi godišnji književni časopis objavljen je 2022. Ovo je izdanje ispunjeno poezijom, intervjuima, kratkim pričama, umjetničkim djelima i više, a sve je usredotočeno na temu ZAJEDNICA/POVEZANOST
In 2023, we released the second edition of our literary magazine, teeming with poetry, interviews, short stories, artwork, and various creative works, all meticulously curated to harmonize with the central theme:
In 2024, we released the third edition of our literary magazine, teeming with poetry, quotes, short stories, artwork, and various creative works, all meticulously curated to harmonize with the central theme:
Zajednica redrosethorns
U zajednici redrosethorns vjerujemo u snagu zajednice, budući da je naše kolektivno ja zastrašujuće. I tako smo stvorili prostor u kojem se možemo ne samo povezati, već i podijeliti svoje ideje, misli, percepcije i iskustva koja utječu i utječu na to tko smo mi u ovom složenom društvu.
BILJEŠKA:Zajednica je trenutno u izgradnji. Prijavite se na našNewsletterza ažuriranja.
Naši su glasovi naša moć, a naša povezanost naša je snaga.