by Carmen Alexander
If I surfed your brain waves,
could I turn negative tides?
If I strolled in your soles,
could I cease circling carousels?
If I explored your soul,
could I seek and destroy self-doubt?
If I experienced your emotions,
could I change train routes?
If I peered through your pupils,
I would reveal your concealed


Carmen Alexander is a poet, gardener, songwriter, photographer, artist, singer, and self-proclaimed hummingbird nerd. She spent her youth in Almena Kansas, a town with a population of less than 500, and currently resides in Southern California where she writes poetry and song lyrics for her country/rock band. Her poetry incorporates themes of introspection, everyday struggles, loss, empowerment, and appreciation for the small things. Her work appears in redrosethorns magazine, Thistle & Thorn Press, Prairie Dog Press, and